The 5 Most Common Causes of Hair Loss Explained

The 5 Most Common Causes of Hair Loss Explained

Hair loss can happen at any age and can be very upsetting. Our hair and hairstyle are integral to how we express ourselves as individuals, and losing hair can be frightening.

We might lose our hair for hundreds of reasons, each resulting in a slightly different pattern of loss and each with an additional long-term perspective. At Follicle HT Hair Transplant Clinic in Toronto, our board-certified surgeons, Drs. Mark Korman and Philip Solomon offer effective treatments.

What are the most typical causes of hair loss?

Male-pattern and female-pattern hair loss

The most common cause of thinning is male or female “pattern baldness, ” known as androgenetic alopecia. Generally, men notice thinning at the temples and crown, and women, more generally, at the front of the scalp. This slow process takes place over several years but can occur much earlier in some people than in others if this is the cause, At Follicle HT Hair Transplant Clinic in Toronto, our board-certified surgeons, Drs. Mark Korman and Philip Solomon may recommend a treatment based on minoxidil lotion, which can reverse the process. They may also recommend hair transplant surgery to restore hair in the thinning area to give you a longer-term, effective and satisfying result.

Telogen effluvium

Increased hair loss, with additional hair loss noticeable when brushing, combing or washing hair, can be caused by telogen effluvium, a common condition due to hormonal changes, stress, illness, pregnancy, iron deficiency, medication or thyroid problems. This condition is often alarming and can occur suddenly, causing noticeable thinning. Still, it does not cause complete baldness and usually recovers completely, especially after correcting any underlying problems.

Alopecia areata

Sudden patchy hair loss, leaving areas of total baldness, can be caused by alopecia areata, a condition affecting up to 1 in 50 people, where the immune system attacks local hair follicles. In many cases, hair regrowth resumes. Around one in five people will not recover, which is more likely if hair loss is total or near total or if the hairline at the front, sides or back is affected.

Centrifugal cicatricial alopecia

People who use hot combing, braiding, chemical relaxants or tight extensions may notice hair loss at the top of the scalp, a condition called centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, a condition which is essential to recognized early because it can become permanent and severe if it is not picked up. Tying hair back tightly or using braids may cause traction alopecia, a condition that is reversible but which can become permanent if the follicles are badly damaged.

Frontal fibrosing alopecia

Postmenopausal women may experience a receding hairline, different from female hair loss, with permanent scarring of the follicles. This recently recognized condition, frontal fibrosing alopecia, can be treated at Follicle HT Hair Transplant Clinic in Toronto. Early diagnosis is essential.

What should you do if you experience hair loss?

Our surgeons at Follicle HT Hair Transplant Clinic in Toronto recommend getting a diagnosis as the first step if you lose your hair. It is preferable to do this as early as possible, in other words, to find out exactly what process is causing the hair to thin or fall out.

If you are concerned, you should see a hair loss professional in Toronto. At Follicle HT Hair Transplant Clinic in Toronto, our board-certified surgeons, Drs. Mark Korman and Philip Solomon are medical specialists dealing with hair loss and issues.

They will discuss your problem with you and ask if you have noticed any increased hair loss, bald patches, or scalp irritation. He will ask in detail about any other recent illnesses, life events, diet, previous or current medical problems or family history of hair loss. They will then examine your scalp and hair to assess shedding patterns, skin health and hair follicles, which can be evaluated at magnification using a lighting instrument.

If necessary, blood tests may be recommended to check iron stores, hormones, and antibody levels. Sometimes, a small scalp skin sample may be taken for microscopic examination to count and evaluate individual follicles.

There are hundreds of reasons why hair loss can occur. If you’re worried, don’t hesitate to ask for help from a dermatologist, who will understand what you’re going through and be able to help. At Follicle HT Hair Transplant Clinic in Toronto, our board-certified surgeons, Dr Mark Korman and Dr Philip Solomon, are here to help.

Contact FOLLICLE HT today and let us guide you towards health, vibrant hair and renewed self-esteem.

Book a consultation by visiting – What causes hair loss or call us at – (905) 764-7799

We invite you to explore the information on this website and encourage you to contact us to schedule an in-person or virtual consultation with one of our board-certified surgeons. We can guide you through the process and help you make sense of the sometimes confusing or even misleading claims that you may be confronted with. We encourage you to take the first step toward restoring your confidence.

Visit the Follicle HT Clinic and let us show you the reality of modern hair restoration.