Injections hair loss treatment

PRP Injections for Hair Loss Treatment

Hair restoration injections for hair regrowth

We are very excited to use in our practice injection therapy for hair restoration, such as enriched cells injections. Injections for hair loss treatment is a non-surgical option for both men and women who are suffering from hair loss and thinning. Injections therapy stands for enriched cells injections and can help patients with genetic hair loss, androgenetic alopecia and stress-related hair loss.

In conjunction with hair transplantation, this can be a powerful technique to improve graft growth, to diminish the loss of surrounding transplanted hair what we call a shock loss following your hair transplantation and also to improve the health of our graft during the procedure itself and when use the injection solution as the graft storage medium.

At Follicle HT we are cutting age as what it is available in injection medicine as part of hair restoration practice.

How it works

Injections therapy is rich healthy factors, that help the hair follicle and surrounding skin cells to function as optimally as they can. It’s a very safe treatment that uses your own blood cells to stimulate hair regrowth.

Injections hair loss treatment involves three important steps. We will first collect a blood sample from the patient’s arm. The blood is then processed in a centrifuge machine to separate the enriched cells and injected into the scalp where hair loss or thinning has occurred. Over the following weeks the high concentration of growth and healing cells in the injections therapy boost blood supply to the hair follicles which activates natural hair growth and can make the hair shaft thicker. Injection therapy prolongs the hair growth cycle which results in fuller, healthier hair.


Immediately after the treatment, it’s normal to experience some swelling and redness on the scalp, which will resolve within a few hours. The first visible results for a typical injections therapy hair loss treatment begin 3 months after the first session with reduction in shedding, appearance of re-growth and thickening of the hair. Treatments should be performed every 2-3 weeks for approximately 6 to 12 sessions in order to achieve optimum results. While injections enhance hair growth, they can also prevent future loss of hair in the surrounding treatment area.

Our team

Why choose Follicle HT for your hair transplant procedure?

Ultimately, the choice of where to have your hair transplant procedure is a personal one. At Follicle HT, our objective is total patient satisfaction. We accomplish this by providing state of the art follicular unit hair transplant surgery in a comfortable, fully accredited surgical facility where we adhere to the highest standards of comfort and safety.

Dr. Korman and Dr. Solomon's ultimate goal is to achieve outstanding results for their patients. They will help you decide which specific techniques will yield the most appropriate balance of coverage, density and complete naturalness from your hair transplant. Our doctors will be personally involved in every step of your journey from initial consultation to the procedure itself.


Your hair transplant journey begins with your decision to make a positive change.

At Follicle HT, our philosophy is that modern hair transplantation is a freedom granting procedure. We strive to help all our patients look and feel their very best by having the full range of options available.

Let’s open a discussion, see how we can help!